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Nature vs nurture study reveals societies, not women, give bad directions

Nature vs nurture study reveals societies, not women, give bad directions

Reading maps, parking cars, remembering directions – are men really better than women when it comes to spatial abilities. A recent report from the US sheds some light on a classic argument in the battle of the sexes. And the findings might be just what a male-dominated engineering industry needs to hear. Jamesina McLeod reports on the results.

Women are natural backstabbers?

It’s assumed that as soon as one woman leaves her group of friends, even for a moment, there will inevitably be whispering. ‘Did you hear?’ ‘Did she really?’

But is this assumption of gossip really true?

John Locke, a professor of linguistics at the Lehman College at the City University of New York thinks so.

Read the rest of this entry

Who’s team are you on, anyway?

We’ve all done it.

Laughed at a ‘women belong in the kitchen’ joke. Commented snarkily about another girl’s weight. Enjoyed getting a wolf whistle for some ‘Yes, you are desirable’ validation. Bought a push-up bra.

And then feel terrible immediately afterwards, like we’ve betrayed our gender. Like we’ve let down the team and failed to stand up and shout the praises of women.

And instead, stood by passively. Or been the perpetrator of anti-women messages. Or caved in to pressure.

This isn’t about the big things. It’s the little things that make us ask ourselves, “Who’s team are you on, anyway?” Read the rest of this entry

Chandler is a strong, confident woman


A classic show, a classic scene – we hope you enjoy this as much as we do.



Are We All Sluts?

This October hundreds gathered at the Sydney Opera House to experience a lively discussion on this very issue – Are All Women Sluts – in light of this year’s worldwide SlutWalks. As a part of the lead up to this talk at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas, WomanOnTopOnline investigated how effective the SlutWalks were, when Australia’s young women are influenced by misguided representations of ‘womanhood’ and sexuality in the media, as well as the ‘club culture’ of Sydney. Can we really take back the word ‘slut’ when it has been riddled with negative connotations for centuries ?

Cara Novakovic reports.

Catch 22 for country birth

The Government’s hint at better maternity care in regional NSW has highlighted how poor the quality is now.

 Ellise Bosilkovski reports


Equal Pay Day

1st September. What’s the significance of that date?

1st of September marks the date on which women’s annual earnings reach the same as men’s in the previous financial year.

Shocked? It’s not just a gender issue. Kirstie Williams takes a look at Equal Pay Day, and the big economic reason to close the gap.


In the past, the police force has been a heavily male orientated field associated with tall, strong, men and women 30 years ago were a rarity in the force. Sue Honeybrook, 53-year-old mother-of-two joined the force in the 70s and was one of only four women in her class at the academy. After leaving the force to raise a family, Sue re-entered the workforce, as more and more women are doing after having children, and is now working at the right hand of the NSW Minister for Police and Emergency Services Michael Gallcher. It’s been a long and some what bumpy journey on Sue’s way to the top, but with her skills and passion for her work there’s no doubting that having a policewoman on top can’t be a bad thing. 

Cara Novakovic reports.

Sue Honeybrook (right) at the NSW Police College, 2011

University – the best choice for women?

A study by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research shows that university is the best career path for girls. Even if girls don’t have academic aspirations after school, they should go to University because of limited positions in trade, the survey found. Vanja Vukojevic reports.  

Meet the new Avon Lady – Pure Romance empowers through beauty, sales and sex toys

Meet the new Avon Lady – Pure Romance empowers through beauty, sales and sex toys

Educate, empower, entertai….er, is that what I think it is? Multimillion dollar beauty and bedroom product company, Pure Romance, is launching in Sydney and promises to empower, educate and entertain women by giving them a reason to explore what their bodies and their business savvy is capable of.  Jamesina McLeod reports for Woman On Top Online.